

Deer Velvet Blood

Supplements the treatment of impotence, increases fertility, palpitations, vaginal discharge, lower back pain, insomnia and neurasthenia. Increases metabolic function and fitness.

Deer Pizzle

Supplements the treatment of impotence and increases fertility (for both sexes), work stress, kidney deficiency, hearing problems and tinnitus.

Deer Tail

Supplements the treatment of impotence, dizziness, tinnitus and other ailments. Strengthens kidney and knees, counters kidney deficiencies.

Deer Placenta Powder and Deer Placenta Paste

Supplements the treatment of genealogical problems such as infertility, vaginal discharge, abdominal bleeding and irregular menstrual cycles. Deer Tendons: Strengthens tendons, treats work stress, and supplements the treatment of arthritis and twisted tendons.

Deer Sinew

Strengthens tendons, treats work stress, and supplements the treatment of arthritis and twisted tendons.

Deer Bone Maw

Supplements the treatment of blood loss, strengthens bones and tendons, work stress, twisted tendons and lower back pain.

Deer Antlers

Encourages blood circulation, reducing swelling, stress related ailments, and alleviates bruising pain, lumbar pain etcetera.

Deer Bone Paste

Made from Deer Bones and either Deer Skin or Herbal Medicines, aids in the replenishment of blood, strengthens the bones and tendons and aids in the treatment of arthritis. Very suitable for elderly people who wish to fortify their health.

Deer Fat

Penetrates the skin to warm joints and expel the cold. Aids in the treatment of limb ailments and surface sores.